Can I cancel my order before it has shipped?Updated 5 months ago
We will do our best to cancel your order before it has shipped. However, our fulfillment team is on it and sometimes we are not able to catch it in time before the order is processed.
If you'd like to cancel your order, please email [email protected] and we will do our best to stop it. You will receive an email shortly after you send the email confirming the cancellation. Once you reply back and confirm, Walli will promptlly cancel the other. Walli Cases is not liable for the cost of return on any cancellation request that is not processed before the product ships.
Once Walli verifies your order is cancelled, you will receive a refund notification. It can take up to 3 business days for the refund to clear your bank.
Walli Cases only allows one order cancellation per month, per customer.